Led Lighting

We retrofit any conventional lighting system with our high end LED lighting systems. Our engineering services include detailed simulations for more optimized lighting solutions.

  • Led lighting for Commercial buildings
  • Led Lighting for Industries
  • Led lighting for Residential buildings, schools and hospital

Heat Recovery

Our customized heat recovery systems installed on generators' exhausts provide hot water, steam or chilled water depending on the application.

  • Exhaust and Process Waste Recovery
  • Boiler Flue Recovery
  • Air Recovery

Solar Energy

We provide turnkey solar energy systems for industries and commercial buildings. GPG is a system integrator for SMA Germany.

  • We design a customized solar system for every application in the Industries, Commercial Buildings, Residential Buildings and cars

Energy Management

You can not save what you cannot measure. Our comprehensive energy management system will provide full monitoring and control over all your electrical, water, gas or any other consumption.

  • kWh Metering
  • BTU Metering
  • Water Metering

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